Happy New Year!

2015 has got off to a great start for the entertainment industry! It looks like Hollywood is coming back to LA – there is a new tax incentive that will go in effect this year. It will be increased from $100 million to $330 million. Hooray for Hollywood!

Over in the UK a new record has been achieved! For the first time EVER the

Top Ten best selling albums of the year are all by British artists! Here’s the details:

  1. Ed Sheeran – x
  2. Sam Smith – In The Lonely Hour
  3. George Ezra – Wanted On Voyage
  4. Paolo Nutini – Caustic Love
  5. Coldplay – Ghost Stories
  6. Paloma Faith – A Perfect Contradiction
  7. One Direction – Four
  8. Olly Murs – Never Been Better
  9. Pink Floyd – The Endless River
  10. Take That – III

I am ashamed to say I don’t own a single one of them! Make sure to check out our blog The Anglo Files (britsinla.blogspot.com) for gig listings – Number two, Sam Smith is playing at the end of the month.


The Breakfast of Champions...
The Breakfast of Champions…

I’ve been known to make outlandish resolutions in the past, (jumping out of planes, a series of colonics, learn to ski and joining in on flash mobs, to name but a few!) so this year I decided to keep it simple but perhaps a little more challenging…. I have narrowed it down to the following four…

  1. Take My Vitamins Every Day
  2. Make My Bed Every Morning
  3. Wash All My Dishes Before Bed
  4. Visit ‘home’ more often


If I can’t stick to those extremely simple vows then I think I may have to just admit that resolutions, like rules, are made to be broken. Although the great discounts Air New Zealand are offering for their New Year Seven Day Sale has made number 4 a lot easier to keep!

Pretty good deals to be had;

SAVE up to $200* on flights from Los Angeles to London using promo code NY200

SAVE up to $300* on flights from the U.S. to the South Pacific (NZ, Australia & Pacific Islands) with promo code NY300

visit airnewzealand.com if you too want to book your next trip home

I would love to hear what your resolutions are, I am sure you will all put me to shame but hopefully inspire me too.  Tweet me, either at @BritsinLA or @Eileenies

If you fancy being part of a flashmob,  the “No Pants Metro Ride’ is coming up on January 11th – (British translation is ‘ Go Trouserless on the Tube’ ; would hate for you to turn up commando and then wonder what all the fuss was about!). Full details can be found on our Facebook page or improveverywhere.com (it is a nationwide thing!)

Our annual short film competition The Toscars is imminent! For those of you who don’t know, this is where about 100 of our members get together then are divided into randomly selected groups of 10. They then have 3 weeks to make 5 minute parodies of the current Oscar nominated films, including composing original score!

This is our 8th year and we have moved from our usual home of the Egyptian Theatre to the The Avalon in Hollywood. Selection night is January 15th. Visit our Facebook page The Toscars for all the details. You can watch the winning Toscar of 2014, TERMINATE HER on our website TheToscars.com plus all nominees from the very start.

The Toscars is one of my favorite times of year, as it really shows how fabulous and talented all the Brits in LA members are. It makes me feel so very proud of everyone in the community.  If you aren’t able to participate in the movie-making process then try to join us for the screening and awards ceremony on February 17th. Dig out your fancy frocks and tuxedos as it is an elegant, red carpet affair. It is a great chance to be a part of Oscar/Toscar fever which is certainly a unique Los Angeles experience.


Euphoria: let's all have a little more of it in 2015...
Euphoria: let’s all have a little more of it in 2015…

I am going to love you and leave you with one of my favorite moments of the year, Professor Monica Grady’s excitement at Rosetta’s Philae probe landing on the comet this year. I have posted the video on our Facebook page – it is one of the funniest but endearing moments of the year for me.

Total happiness and what an achievement!

Lets all strive to experience that feeling at least once this year!

Happy New Year and may 2015 be your best one yet!!


