Meet a Member: Lara Clear

Meet Lara Clear Who is from Highbury, London and moved to LA 5 months ago to pursue acting


(Photo: Karl Preston)
(Photo: Karl Preston)

Was there a particular reason you chose to move to LA?

I moved to LA to work in TV and film. I have been in NYC for a few years as a stage actress. When I decided to switch mediums and pursue more TV and film I knew Los Angeles was the best place to be.

What do you miss most from home?

Above all else I miss my family and friends but I must say I do miss an English cup of tea (the water just seems different here!) Marks and Spencers, Arsenal FC games, Cadburys chocolate and the English sense of humour!

What was your first impression of LA?

My first impression of LA was that the weather was just too good to be true! And the palm trees are so tall! Those and the permanently gorgeous blue skies  are picture perfect. It just made me feel very happy to wake up here every day. Santa Monica beach was lovely and I immediately felt like I was meant to live on the West Coast after visiting the beach.

What do you find is the biggest difference living here?

The biggest difference for me between living in Highbury, London and LA is that I don’t get to go to the Emirates stadium weekly to see Arsenal in action! Also I miss hearing the London accent everywhere and seeing a lot of diverse culture, green grass, parks and being surrounded by nice architecture that gives London a historic, classic feel that is like no other place .

Do you have any favorite places that you would like to share with the group?

I think Lake Shrine is gorgeous – whenever I visit that place and just sit still for a few moments I feel recharged and energized ! No Vacancy and Davey Wayne’s are some of favourite places to go out at night in Hollywood ! Planet Nails in West Hollywood is an amazing nail place!

Many people have preconceived ideas about LA, did you?

A lot of my New York friends told me every one in LA was going to be fake and not as nice as east coasters – I think that’s one of the biggest misconceptions. I didn’t think this before I moved here and I still don’t now. I have met many great people . I did think that the city wouldn’t have as much culture as it actually does. It does have a lot to see but you just have to look a little harder for it

Any tips for anyone out there who is considering making LA their new home?

What I would suggest for people making the move to LA is to make sure your working papers are all in order first and that you get a car! I think you have to be willing to work very hard in LA because you are usually very far from home and your support system so you have to work hard to build a new life for yourself in such a big, vast space. And if you are pursuing a career in entertainment it’s especially important to remain focused and to not be distracted by the Hollywood glitz and glamour and the party life that’s readily available.

If my life was a TV show the theme tune would be?

Rabbit by Chas and Dave as I’m told I talk way too much!

How can we find out more about you?

I recently attended the Cannes Film Festival 2015 with the film I produced and starred in, check it out at Also recently I got accepted into the 2015 BAFTA LA Newcomer Mentor Program and the 2015 Summer Women In Film LA mentor program.

Instagram – @laraclear

Twitter – @laraclear

Facebook – laraclearactress


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