Savor your right to vote, not your right to hate…

Greetings Britlings:

British expats who have been on these shores for a while are probably very familiar by now with the political scene in America. To those recent arrivals: welcome to the three-ring circus that is the debates, the caucuses and the public shaming of candidates.

Yep that’s right. “It’s not enough to win, but you must also make your neighbor fail.” In other words, schadenfreude at its finest (or worst). It seems that politics here are just as much about ratings for television news shows as they are about the real issues. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic hopeful said it best at a recent town hall gathering in New Hampshire, suggesting the media are trying to goad the candidates to say terrible or outrageous things about each other just to make the headlines. Things are taken out of context and used against each other. Even within the same party. Baffling!

donald-trump   Whether you relate to the Republicans or Democrats there’s plenty of fodder for all, be it Hillary’s email ‘scandal’, her public engagement salary or Benghazi, a quick troll of social media will dig up claims she’s a liar, a traitor, and not to be trusted because she’s in the pockets of Wall Street. One of the smaller complaints against her is that she’s fake with that nervous laugh of hers. On the other side we are constantly told that Bernie Sanders is too old, too liberal and hasn’t got a plan. He’s full of ideologies and won’t be able to accomplish anything even if he were to win.

On the Republican side you have candidates who want to take America back from the foreigners (Trump) or back to the 1950’s (Cruz). Both are talking about revoking everything that Obama has created, including quashing affordable healthcare and revoking the right to gay marriage. And then there are the racist comments about immigration – both shocking and appalling. I have to laugh when I see videos of Trump being touched by religious fanatics or Cruz being refused a kiss from his own daughter. All great material for Saturday night live. All this media hysteria makes it feel a bit like we are voting on American Idol or the Miss Universe pageant rather than choosing the leader of the free world.

hillary-clinton  Another baffling aspect is the change in campaigning wrought by social media. I find it amazing to see “fans” hating on candidates from the same party. I’m all for funny videos, for instance where Sarah Palin’s speech is turned into a rap, or the meme of Cruz as grandpa Munster. I love satire. But I draw the line at outrageous bullying and disgusting comments against the candidates. I know as a new citizen of the US I will be voting for a Democrat and will support whomever we choose to lead the party, because I believe in the values of the party! But my choice ultimately lies with the person who will keep Obama’s policies in place and not waste time trying to cause a revolution (is this France in the 18th century?) Someone who will be able to defend our country from attacks, someone who will be able to negotiate with foreign leaders and the other side. Being the president is a hard job and I will be behind the leader of the free world, whoever it may be. My support lies with a strong, caring, loyal woman who will make history and lead this country with grace and dignity it deserves, but I won’t be mad if Uncle Bernie gets in either.

The quadriennal shout-fest and food fight on the road to the White House may be our democratic right, but Breeps, try to be nice and respectful to people who are passionate about their beliefs and allow them to have their voice heard without judgment. After all we live in a democracy and at the end of the day it’s between you and your secret ballot. All I ask is if you can, vote!

But don’t hate.




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