Meet a Member: Matthew John

Not all Brits in LA Members live in Los Angeles: in fact a fair number are scattered around the globe. This week’s Meet a Member is Matthew John who lives in Studio City (LA) and Cheltenham (UK).


Seeing as you don’t live in Los Angeles how did you end up joining Brits in LA?

I was recommended via a friend. I do a lot of business in LA, but presently in process of applying for long term visa, so I can stay for a long period of time.

bila-mamHave you ever visited Los Angeles – if so we would love to hear what your impression of LA is?

I love LA. I love the people. I love the weather. I love the LA Culture. I love the possibilities and projects that you find on a daily basis in LA.

Do you think you could ever see yourself moving to LA, if not tell us what keeps you in UK?

I am trying to move to America. At the moment, it is the visa application that I am trying to sort out. My last film Hedda Gabler, has an American distributor. We do a lot of events and business in LA. My next film is a USA/ UK Film production. It is merely a visa process at present.

Do you have a hidden gem – special place in the city you want to share with us?

I would not say a place. But a special circle of people. I have been extremely fortunate to have found good friends in the area.  Patricia Dayton and her family who work in the film industry. Jesse Walsh and his wife Melanie Buttarazzi that work in the film industry. And Lise Romanoff and Sisi Cronin – who have been so great at helping with my last film. Those are the gems.

Why would you recommend other overseas readers joining Brits in LA?

Connections with like-minded people. The native LA people have a completely different way of living/ thinking. Their personalities/cultures are completely different to the UK. It has also been nice to meet other European people, who can help you though it, or bend their ears when you want to moan about the sometimes flaky behaviour patterns of an LA person. In the UK they are always extremely blunt and too pessimistic. In LA they always say ‘yes’, even if they have no intention of doing it. And time keeping isn’t their strongest attribute, being British this drives me insane. If I hadn’t have had like-minded European friends to help me though this difference of culture it would have been a lot harder adjusting to LA lifestyle. However just to point out some good points to LA people: people are much sexier and easier to hook up with. 🙂 They just might not turn up to the wedding.

We hear you have been working on an exciting project. Care to tell us more about it?

Just finished a movie version of Hedda Gabler, starring Rita Ramnani. It is based on Henrik Ibsen’s stage play. But is a full movie. Not filming the stage play. It is fairly lavish and luckily we have a big supportive fan base and people seem to be loving the cast, costumes and production values. So I’m very excited.

Lots of Our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Pick you close friends wisely. It can be the land of dreams and also broken dreams. But as long as you keep plugging away. Have fun. Being true to yourself. Don’t take anything too seriously. And just roll with the madness. Things will happen.

Lastly, how can we find you on the Internet?

But is better to follow the latest movie at, and