Just regular folk: Former 1D star and his gal just love them some Netflix!




Former One Direction singer and solo artist Zayn Malik is the current sexy cover-boy on the summer issue of Paper magazine.

zayn-malik-gigi-hadidMalik talks about his thriving new career now that he’s left the boy band behind and headed off in his own direction, as one might say. However, no interview with Zayn can exist however, without mention of his current squeeze, the stunning model Gigi Hadid.

We’re all very invested in this relationship involving two young twentysomethings for some reason, which is why interviews such as this one are so important. Even though it took place months ago – that’s how the print-magazine cycle works – it still provides an important glimpse inside Gigi and Zayn’s love.

Zayn doesn’t disappoint. Actually, Paper helps. First, the profile gets the reader all hot and bothered talking about the overtly sexual nature of the singer’s new album. Then, it moves on to Zayn’s own raw sex appeal. From there, it’s a quick segue into his “very famous girlfriend,” and some key details of their relationship. This, of course, is why we’re all here.

Gigi and Zayn are currently taking horseback-riding lessons. She’s really good because she’s been riding since she was a kid. He’s not great. He swears he finds intelligence and a great personality more attractive than physical appearance.“(You) can’t have a long-term relationship unless you get on with the person. It doesn’t matter really about the exterior,”says the wizened man of 23.

Zayn continues to share what he learned during his years of accelerated boy-band dating, which appears to be the equivalent of 30 years of regular romancing, because he sounds like a married man of 46.

Malik says: “I like to have my own time and be at home, and I kind of need a partner with me to do that. I just like the security of that. It feels good to me. It feels right. We’ll see each other tonight and probably watch a film. Netflix and chill. Yeah, we do that a lot.”