Control Your Attitude – Every Day!

Did you realize your attitude controls your life? If so are you ready for the good news?

“YOU control your attitude – every day!”

i-cant-do-itHere at in Ibiza, we see up to twenty people every week with totally different attitudes. We explain that attitude creates the way you feel about people and situations. Your actions are a result of your attitude – which in turn creates a reaction from others.

It is your attitude toward others and the universe, that determines the resulting attitude toward you….

So ave a positive, joyful attitude and you’ll have positive, joyful results. Put out a bad, negative attitude and you’ve failed before you begin.

What you think is what we get….

Negative attitudes come from thinking negative thoughts over and over until they become part of your subconscious, part of your personality – they become habitual. You may not even realize you have a negative attitude because it’s been with you for so long.

Once you have a bad attitude, you expect failure and disaster. And that expectation turns you into a magnet for failure and disaster.

Then it becomes a vicious cycle:

You expect the worst, so you get the worst.

Your negative beliefs are reinforced. So you expect the worst, and you get the worst.

So, how do you shift your thoughts and create a positive attitude?

It takes work, but creating anything of value takes work. In order to have a new attitude, you have to change your subconscious thinking. How? By analyzing every thought you have until positive thinking becomes habit. You’re merely replacing an old habit with a healthy habit, much like replacing smoking with exercise.

You can’t just stop being negative – you have to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones.

Some people would say, “But negative situations are a reality. They just show up in everyday life.”

This is absolutely not true. Situations are a reality, yes.

They do show up, yes. It is your attitude that makes a situation positive or negative. It’s time for you to realize that you are in control of how you think and feel – no one else on earth has this power unless you give it away.

Take control of your attitude, your state of mind, and you take control of your results.


Rick Parcell • Master Coach