How the homeless pricked my conscience…

I was shopping at Ralph’s in Hollywood last week (Rock & Roll Ralphs for those in the know). The parking in the main lot is a nightmare, so I went to the quieter roof level.  As I was dashing through the rain to the elevator I got distracted for a second as I realized a man and a little girl were sitting under the covered area. Which gave me pause for thought. I noticed their cardboard sign; it was asking for money to help them get in to a hostel that night.  I wasn’t quite sure what to do, so continued on my way but it nagged at me throughout my grocery store visit.  I encounter homeless people several times a day, but this pair really struck a chord with me. They looked newly homeless. In that they were well presented and didn’t have a mountain of possessions surrounding them. Some of you may leap to the conclusion that they were probably scammers and not destitute at all. However, my perception was that they both needed a helping hand. Should I talk to the store manager? Mention them to security? Or perhaps call the police? I was afraid that if I did any of those things they would be asked to move on and out into the pouring rain . This upper parking lot is slightly safer than the front one, which is notorious for transients, drug dealers and other less savory/ safe people. So as I continued on I decided to shop for them instead. Seeing as it was cold I bought some fried chicken from the deli and picked up napkins and forks for them and some water and candy bars. My thinking was that perhaps the sugar would give them a little energy as well as a treat for the little girl. I looked in my wallet and only had $5 but still better than nothing. My British reserve stopped me from asking them intrusive questions. So I handed them the bag and cash and said ‘I picked you up some chicken and snacks as it’s cold out here.‘

They thanked me with out looking directly at me, slightly ashamed perhaps?  Then I politely went on my way so they could eat. But really wishing I could help them more, or offer to take them to a hostel and pay for it on my credit card. But I also knew that my own personal safety had to come first. 

As soon as I got home I looked up what I should do in this kind of situation. I came across a very informative website called Coalition for the Homeless ( They had a FAQ section that answered all of my questions and many more. They even offer to send you contact cards to hand out to people who look like they need help.

     Another option if you think someone is at risk is to report to the city by dialing 311. They have an app too. I actually use it a lot to report potholes or arrange an extra trash collection, but it hadn’t dawned on me that I could use it to report concerns about people living on the streets.  My main worry is that by doing any of the above will cause social services to get involved and take the little girl away. But perhaps they should? As it isn’t right that she is out on the streets, especially in this weather. I’m really full of dilemmas, really not knowing what is best…what would you have done in this situation?

     I spoke to my friend Nigel Hudson, a fellow Brit in LA , and founded the charity Neighboring Light. They hand out care packages to the homeless in and around LA. I asked him how we could all do a little more to help. He recommended LA Works, who try to link volunteers with the issues they are most passionate about. They have lots of opportunities to choose from including the arts, animals, the environment, the hungry and the homeless. Visit for details.

     Neighboring Light also needs help, mainly the donation of basic toiletries that they can include in the care packages. Apparently there are at least 50,000 people homeless in Los Angeles, and between 3-4 thousand in just a 1/4 mile square around Skid Row in Downtown LA. So if you know any toiletry suppliers send them his way! Visit their website Or contact me and I will put you in touch – email 

     Toscars round up will follow next week as at the time of writing this it is Toscar Eve. I’ve just watched all of the movies and cast my votes! Visit if you want to see the fabulous films we made this year.

     Lastly, just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who have been getting in touch after reading our column in the British Weekly. It truly is so nice to hear from you all, and to get confirmation that someone other than my mum is actually reading this!

     There is no Pub Quiz at the Cat next week but we still have Breakfast Club next Tuesday

     For details on our upcoming events visit

